Case Study

Pangasinan – Rice

June 9, 2024

Dumangan Fertilizer Inc. was discussing with the team of Sir Raul Lambino, the Honorary Dean of Philippine Nutrient Fertilizer Research Center Association, Inc.. and the chairman of the Association for Philippines and China Understanding, to talk about the strategy details about how to Fertilize in Pangasinan Province.

August 1, 2024

1st Rice Field Experiment

Here are the results of Chairman Lambino’s revisit to the first upland rice experimental field in Pangasinan Province:

  • Due to miscommunications beforehand, local farmers thought that Dumangan Prime Fertilizer is an alternative for Traditional Fertilizers such as Urea. As a result, the Experimental plot was applied with DPF only while the other plot was applied with Urea. Even so, the plot with DPF only still yielded better results such as taller and more developed root systems.
  • In addition to that, that morning, the farmers have applied urea to both plots and are preparing to spray herbicides. After 3 weeks, a second application of fertilizer will be applied such as complete fertilizer during which, DPF will also be added.

2nd Rice Field Experiment

Plot was divided in half to make sure that no contamination will happen. Each plot is 2000 square meters each. The first plot was applied with 3 kilos of DPF and 25 kilos of Urea while the second one was applied with only 25 kilos of Urea.

October 10, 2024 – Harvest Day (2nd Rice Field Experiment)

Combine harvester was also used to harvest the field. Upon consulting with Sir Nody, the owner of the field, rainfalls have been observed in Pangasinan for the past few days. To prevent the risk of the demo field to completely lodge and not harvest anything, he decided to just harvest all in once. Hence, the demo field was also harvested despite not being fully matured.

In result, the yield of the demo was 5.49 tons/ha. while for control, it was 6.28 tons/ha. Despite this, this year still harvested more totalling to 2431.5 kg while the past yield last year was only 1818 kg in total resulting in a 24.21% increase from the previous yield. With this, Sir Nody still wants to apply DPF next dry season.

With this data results, there are factors considered by the team. First is maturity, upon seeing the field, the control field is more yellow than the demo field. This is due to the additional NPK added in the demo which slightly delayed its maturity. Hence, this might affect the result of the demo field resulting in less yield. Last is the shaded area in the demo field which is estimated to be around 35 sq m. Meaning, this might yield less because not enough sunlight is reaching the palay in this area.